
Thursday 15 January 2015

Collaborative Painting with Feet

Collaborative Painting with Feet

        Back in school, some of you may have always anticipated and looked forward to Pendidikan Seni (Art Education) class because it is stress free and in fact, one of the classes that does not have complicated formulas, theories or whatsoever. In contrast, for some of you, (mandatory) art classes may be the bane of your existence? We hope you are part of the former!

        Art Therapy is a form of Expressive Therapy that utilizes movement, art, music, writing, sound, and improvisation in a supportive environment to promote growth and healing (Rogers, 1993). According to Malchiodi (2005), unlike traditional talk therapy, activities such as drawing, drumming, creative movement, and play, enable individuals of all ages to express their thoughts and feelings differently and this form of expression have unique properties as interventions. 

       This time around, we have our clinical psychologist, Ms. Ang Wen Fang to bring you through a series of expressive art activities for self-expression and self-exploration that you will enjoy. The sessions are independent of one another, you may sign up for more than one session but not necessarily all four. What's cool about these activities? You do not need to be a professional or an artist! At the end of each session, Ms. Ang will briefly process participant's art work for participants to gain some insight on emotional awareness and emotional regulation. 

        Take this time to let your hair down, dip your feet into some colorful hues of paint while allowing your free mind to express itself in its most wonderful way. 

Examples of feet painting on YouTube:

For more information, check out our previous post or call us at: 03-2096 1212.

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