
Monday 25 May 2015

Gratitude through difficult times?

Gratitude can transform routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings - William Arthur Ward

Gratitude begins by looking within and appreciating the value of one’s experiences. Too often, we forget that life is not lived only in the ‘big events’, but also in the everyday ‘little’ ones. When challenges and difficult circumstances arise, how do we practice gratitude when we are sad or fearful? Mindfulness and gratitude practice can bring new perspectives in these circumstances. We cannot change the fact that we are affected by the world around us, in the same way that a tree cannot stop its branches from swaying when the wind blows. However, like a tree with deep roots, we can learn to steady ourselves and ground ourselves in the present moment. During difficult times and periods of loss, gratitude practice can be transformative. To appreciate everyday things – like the sound of the rain, a beautiful bloom, or a child’s smile – can change the tenor of the day from despair to hope. (Source:

Read more about Mindful Gratitude here: