
Wednesday 20 May 2015


"One minute of day spent in stillness can change your life" - Gabrielle Bernstein

If you can spare a mere 5 minutes amidst your hectic lifestyle to practice Mindful S.O.S, you would be surprised at what 5 minutes of calmness can do. Mindful S.O.S creates a space in the day to stop, focus in the present moment, and connect with your breath and 5 senses. Incorporate Mindful Breathing and Mindful Sensing to practice Mindful S.O.S in these simple steps below:

Stop:               Stop whatever you are doing now, and get into a comfortable position
Observe:    Observe any thoughts and feelings that happen during the course of this breathing                                 exercise
Sense:          Notice the sensations that are happening inside (e.g. muscles tensing and relaxing)                               and around your body (i.e. sounds / smells / touch)

To further demonstrate how this exercise is done for maximum relaxation, you may follow the script below:
  1. Stop whatever you are doing now, and get into a comfortable position. You may choose to lower your gaze or close your eyes.
  2. Focus your attention to your breathing. Breathe in and out deeply and slowly. Breathe In. (Count) 1..2..3..4.. Hold. Breathe Out (Count) 1..2..3..4.. Repeat this exercise another two times.
  3. While continuing with your breathing, slowly move your attention to the sensations in your body.
  4. Feel the sensations on your face, on your cheeks, the cool air entering your nose and the warm breath that comes out of your mouth.
  5. Observe the sounds/smells/temperature in the environment.
  6. Feel the sensations in your neck, your upper back, your shoulders.
  7. Breathe in (Count) 1..2..3..4.. Breathe out (Count) 1..2..3..4..  Feel the sensations in your arms, your hands, your fingers.
  8. Feel the gentle beating of your heart, the movements of your chest as you breathe in and out.
  9. If you notice any thoughts or feelings happening, observe them and gently let them go.
  10. Feel the sensations in your lower back, in your stomach, in your thighs, your calves, your feet. Breathe in (Count) 1..2..3..4.. Hold. Breathe out (Count) 1..2..3..4..
  11. Continue breathing deeply and slowly. Tell yourself, “I am still now. Everything is going to be alright."
  12. Slowly turn your attention back to the space / room that you are in, back to the chair/space that you are sitting on.
  13. And whenever you are ready, you may slowly open your eyes.
  14. Give yourself one or two moments to compose yourself before going back to whatever it is you were doing.
  15. Practice as often as necessary.