Friday 14 August 2015

The 5 Senses

Got a headache from staring at the screen for too long? Take a break! Let’s not overuse our sight sense and neglect our other senses. 

The Five Senses

When we interact with our screens a majority of our time, we are mainly using only our ‘sight sense’ as the navigational and information guide to the world. With the added exception, of course, of our ‘sound sense’ when we watch YouTube videos!

Let’s be honest – our sense of touch is so frequently intertwined with our computer or smartphone keyboards that we probably touch machines more than people. Not to advocate touching random people but let’s become more mindful of incorporating all our senses in daily living. Yes, that means stepping away from our laptops, putting down our phones, and just going for a walk. Interact with others, feel the sun shining, the wind blowing, and grab a bite to eat. Let’s live in reality as much as we can, and incorporate as many senses as we can – it’s all about balance in the end.