
Monday 7 December 2015

Gratitude Diary

 (see Appendix I to III)

To practice thankfulness, you can start with yourself and then move outwards towards being grateful to other people. Start a gratitude diary with these downloadable templates. There are two sections for this diary.

a. The first part focuses on what you are grateful for internally, “What Am I Grateful for About My Life”

b. The second part looks at daily occurrences that you are grateful for:

  • To note down three events, three separate entries (i.e. one for the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening).

2. Acts of Gratitude
Now that you have thanked yourself, the next is practice thanking someone else.
• What has someone done that I am grateful for?
E.g. thank the cleaner for cleaning the corridor
E.g. thank the bus driver for getting you safely to your destination
E.g. thank your colleague for being helpful at work

3. Messages of Gratitude (see Appendix IV)
Write a note / card / email to someone thanking them for their help  or being a support during rough times